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Joanna Considine 


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Nina Stibbe - denied....

Jo Blogs

Day 3

Well today I took my own advice, was brave and tweeted Nina Stibbe to say thank you for liking my first tweet and I love your books.

And she tweeted back with a thank you and a smiley face with hands!!!!!!!!!

And I should have left it there.....  But I couldn't help it, in fact I dared myself and pressed the button really quickly before I came to my senses.

And I tweeted back "are those monkey hands?", making reference to a comment about the hands on a Claddagh ring in one of her books.  The comment which still makes me giggle whenever I think about it.  And I thought it might make her laugh too, but the more time elapses, the more I think I might have made the wrong call and messed up my one chance of becoming real friends with Nina Stibbe.  And with that goes the chance that this blog could be transformed into a Dave Gorman worthy quest, leading me across continents, before finally becoming Nina Stibbe's friend.  My best friend Singapore Sally is no doubt breathing a sigh of relief that I have failed in my endeavours; I did message her today to tell her that her title might be in jeopardy.  Good job that she knows that would never happen, after 36 years of monkey business, she is irreplaceable.

And as far as Nina Stibbe goes,  I am still going to keep loving her and her books, but maybe not do any more tweets for a while until she has forgotten all about my stupid monkey hands comment (she maybe hears it 20 times a day from everyone she meets), and then I might try again.

 I still have one more of her books to read - Man at the helm.  I think I should have read it before Paradise Lodge, but I am hoping it won't matter.  I am putting off reading it because I like having it to look forward to, in the same way as I delay opening my Christmas presents on Christmas Day until the evening, because a pile of wrapped presents excites me so much more than unwrapped ones. Just don't tell my family that.  Or Nina Stibbe for that matter.  

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