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Joanna Considine 


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No Regrets

Jo Blogs

Leaving teaching has changed my life completely.  I never realised how much of my time was taken by my job.  It really did occupy most of my waking hours, and often interrupted the sleeping ones too.  If I wasn't planning, I was thinking about planning, or making lists of letters I had to write, or emails to send.  Or working on data and action plans and writing up observations.    It even crept in when I was shopping, and T commented on Sunday when we went to meet her in Leicester, that it seemed funny being in Tiger, and not having a basket full of stuff for Nursery.

So that's the stuff that I don't miss at all.  My time is mostly my own, I don't feel guilty about prioritising work over my family any more because I no longer have to.  And I can enjoy Sundays without that feeling of impending doom.

However, I do miss the every day company of my friends.  We manage to meet up from time to time, and whereas before it was a quick wave on the way to empty the water tray, now it is a proper sit down and we can talk and listen.  Quality time, but still, I miss their faces on a daily basis.  Old friends are important, and we should take time to preserve those friendships.

And how I miss the company of the children.  I miss those goosebumps moments when they make a discovery, conquer a fear or perform an amazing feat.  And I miss the everyday being with them, taking care of them, nurturing them and being part of their lives.  And their families.  And I think I will always miss these aspects of the job.

But now that I am much more flexible in the hours I need to work (write), I get to spend time with some of the younger members of my own family, and today I have just had the loveliest afternoon with one of my many favourites, who has filled my heart and my day with love and joy.  I am so grateful for this opportunity, and it does go some way to compensate for the loss I feel having left teaching.  And long may it continue!

Other news -  I am almost ready to make my second submission to an agent.  Hopefully I should get it all polished and sent off tomorrow.  And I am planning to keep going until I find the right one.  Not looking forward to receiving rejections, but I know that they are inevitable, and I really do believe that everything happens for a reason.  So please keep your fingers crossed for me.  And if it doesn't happen, email me your beanie orders by end of October to guarantee Christmas delivery!

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